About us

Kara Haught || little sis
Living in sunny Florida raising her 4 little wilds: Austin, Kate, Charlotte & baby king Bowie.
Rachelle Hyde || big sis
Living in the mountains of Utah raising her 5 little wilds: Goldie, Hazel, Harvey, Archie, and Otto.
Growing up in Florida we wore our swimsuits year-round and everywhere we went. We wore them to bed, to the movies, to pick up friends on the riding lawnmower. Wearing a swimsuit meant we were ready for anything.
We created Raising Wild because we still ask a lot of our swimsuits. In fact, we ask more than ever: we need suits that make us feel comfortable and confident, that allow us to be carefree with our kids, that help us look beautiful and stylish. Oh, and we need our kids to look adorable as well.
So I guess you could say we created Raising Wild because we wanted it all. And we want you to have it all, too.
We hope you love the distinctive features of our suits that make them especially flattering and functional, such as adjustable ties, full bum coverage, built-in shelf bras, and nursing-friendly designs.
We also hope you love the quality of our suits. We source and sew all of our suits in LA's garment district. While going overseas could significantly cut cost, LA gives us access to the best materials, factories, talent, and quality processes in the industry. The typical price point for suits coming off our factory lines is $250-$350. When you slip on a Raising Wild, you'll feel the quality of the fabric and attention to detail in the cut and finish.
When we appeared on ABC's Shark Tank, we walked out with our three older sisters in our original swimsuits which at the time were called the h style, the r style, and the k style. Barbara gave us some great advice: with all those sisters, why not name our suits after family? So across our site you'll see products named after our sisters, our nieces, and our daughters. We hope you love our suits like we love those ladies!